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Calvin & Kathy Hochstrat

Calvin and Kathy Hochstrat enjoy a busy ranching lifestyle. They are working cowboys and build gear to use! Spring time will find them lambing and calving, branding and moving cattle. As summer progresses Calvin is shoeing full-time and day riding. Kathy works both water commisioner and brand inspector jobs in addition to day riding for area ranches.

Whether you're looking for a piece to use, or a piece for your collection:
contact Calvin and Kathy for your next purchase!
















"Made to Order, Made to be Used!"
Gear for the Working Cowboy

Custom Leather & Rawhide Braiding and Horsehair Hitching.

Quality hand-made reins, headstalls, riatas, hobbles and using gear for horsemen.

Hand-hitched Horsehair pieces: wallets, belts, checkbook covers and more!


Calvin & Kathy Hochstrat
4021 Hwy 12
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645


Email:  horseshu@itstriangle.

Facebook at Hochstrat Braiding

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